Monday, June 24, 2013

Letter From President and Sister Miller sent to all the missionaries

Dear Elders and Sisters of the New Mexico Albuquerque Mission,
We are so impressed with your commitment to serve a full-time mission for the Lord.  It is the most meaningful thing you could do at this time in your lives.  We have loved working with you.  It has been a joy to see and feel the hand of the Lord in your lives as you have allowed Him to shape you to become who He knows you can be.  Our experience serving with you is captured in the words of Oliver Cowdery as he described how he felt as the scribe for the Prophet, Joseph Smith, as he translated the Book of Mormon:  “These are days never to be forgotten.”
Things we hope you’ll remember:
·         Miracles abound.  Keep looking for them!
·         Aim high!  Follow the steps to increase your faith. 
·         You determine your attitude.  Keep it positive and stamp out the ANTS (Automatic Negative Thoughts).
·         Be glad!
·         The Gospel IS true.  We have a loving Heavenly Father.  The Savior lives.  He lived on earth, wrought the Atonement, and He will come again. This is His Church, led by His prophets.
·         Obedience is the first law of the gospel.  It is the first law of everything.
·         Teach simply the doctrines of the gospel.  Become a master teacher. 
·         Seek revelation and teach by the Spirit.
·         Welcome change.  Open your aperture.
·         Always be filled with Charity.
We hope to see you again when you finish your missions.  We will always be there for you.  We are willing to do anything we can to help you be successful throughout your lives.  And in the next life we will definitely look for each of you in the Celestial Kingdom.  Our wish is that there will be no empty chairs.
We are GLAD we could serve with you.  We will continue to pray for you.  As Mormon said to his beloved son, Moroni, we say to all of you “. . .I rejoice exceedingly that your Lord Jesus Christ hath been mindful of you, and hath called you to his ministry, and to his holy work.  I am mindful of you always in my prayers, continually praying unto God the Father in the name of his Holy Child, Jesus, that he, through his infinite goodness and grace, will keep you through the endurance of faith on his name to the end.” Moroni 8:2-3
With our love -- forever,
President Wayne K. Miller and Sister Loralee P. Miller

Missionary Broadcast

I love you family!
I am sooo happy Y'all were able to watch the missionary broadcast. It was amazing. I am so thankful that I am serving at this time. We really hope to get the ward more actively participating in missionary work with everyone. I hope that this shapes ward council and that we see a lot of new changes coming fast at us. The facebook and increased Internet time sounds really fun and exciting! I hope I'm involved with that quickly, just to see what it is like. I know that the church already had missionaries is some areas using ipads and facebook. It was just a matter of time!!!! Excited! I also loved the emphasis on Faith and Love. That truly makes us missionary work. It was fun to hear when they were quoting Preach My Gospel. Missionary work truly is a world wide thing! 70,000 missionaries now! WOW! It truly is through the ward that our efforts produce more than just a meager harvest.
I loved the rain/harvest story and also how the ward would give one night a week or month to reach out to the less active members of the ward. I was in a ward that did that and it made a huge difference (just the Ward council did it) when everyone was supportive and faced their fears with faith.
This week has been fun and interesting, although we had fewer lessons, we now have 4 people preparing for a specific baptismal date. Only 2 of them related to each other. And Sister McBride invited all of them to be baptized as well. We have seen many miracles, but are still having difficulty in finding. I really hope that the churches efforts will help the missionaries spend more time teaching and baptizing, and giving much of the finding to the ward member's.
One part member and less active (but really i mean inactive) family has a 10 year old girl we are teaching. She is preparing to be baptized on Aug 3 and we are excited for her. This is a family that the RS president invited to take the lessons and we are now teaching. The lesson was great. It was taught very simply, but throughout the meeting the mom was teary eyed and the spirit was strong. It is amazing to see how the children can change the hearts of the parents.
It is very nice to get to focus on one ward now, but odd too. And Sister McBride and I are doing very good. She was very homesick the last 2 weeks, and would break down everyday, but she didn't the last 2 days and she's making it through. Its odd how similar we are in experiences and likes. Its funny though, because sometimes I have to say, yes, she is 19 :) but I love her a lot. She has great desire and we have a lot of fun. The other night we planned on the balcony and watched a movie before bed time. We have a miracle board that helps us both and a quote board too. It is fun
I finally thought of something I want for my birthday!!!! Its called a Gospel Arts Book. Its a spiral notebook (like $3) of only pictures fro the scriptures and some modern day prophets, and Videos from home, like a copy of the sky diving! (well, if y'all wanted to show me that one yourself, that be okay too)... hmmm
Love you always!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Look for Miracles

My dear Amazing Family!
It has finally happened, one of my previous companions have gone home and my trainer leaves in 5 weeks. Crazy! One of the first things Sister McBride said to me, was after I told her how long Id been out was, Oh, well your about to go home soon! What? She crazy????
Well, This week has been fun and eventful. To begin we will talk about training. Sister McBride is an amazing missionary! I love her so much. She has a sweet spirit and loves to teach and spread the gospel. She is actually a lot like me in many ways. And nothing like Sister Tompkins (who I love sooo much! and have no idea where she is) Sister McBride is 19 and from Idaho Falls. She went to 1 year of school at BYUI (But I've been on the mission that whole year). She has never been away from her family for more than 2 weeks and this is surely the longest time she's gone without writing or talking with them. She has the biggest love of her family, and for a while, that will be her biggest trial as well. But she is strong, and a good missionary and will see so many miracles.
This week has been tough being in one ward. We are really trying to pick up the work and find new  investigators. One miracle came from a nagging thought I haven't been able to get out of my mind, which was to go to a general location on a map we have. But that location covered a few neighborhoods! I had no idea where to go within it. On Tuesday, we went to contact a less active man, to find out that he had just moved. But we were able to give a Book of Mormon away across the street. We felt so good in that area and walked around but didn't know where to go. We left for the night.  But last night, we used the extra miles and went over to a nearby neighborhood to contact a former investigator in that area. He was not interested, but a few doors down, a man was outside cleaning out his car. I've been trying to do so much better at talking to EVERYONE, so we went up to talk to him. Turns out that he's had a hard time in his life and wants direction and purpose to his life. We now have an appointment with him tomorrow at 2! Turns out that the man lives across the street from the neighborhood we had felt so good in. Thing is, you couldn't get over because the neighborhoods were blocked by a large stone fence. Coincidence? Never.
Another miracle was on Monday with Sister Tompkins. We had received a referral awhile ago but could never contact this family. They were never home. But on Sister Tompkins last night, she really felt that we needed to go and try one more time. And the family was home! We were able to get a phone number and more information. It was great! I hope to get to teach them very soon. 
On Sunday, we received a text message from an investigator saying that she had found a different church and was no longer interested! We had barely taught her about prayer, church, and the BoM. We were shocked, but decided that we needed to go over anyway and see how things were doing. I am so thankful that we did! We found out that after she had sent the message, she had decided that although it was all good, it wasn't what she was looking for. I hope that we will be able to teach her and help her come closer to Christ.
 miracles- one came on a day that Sister McBride was discouraged so she choose where to eat and it was Olive Garden. So expensive but we went to get her out and help life her spirits. And someone paid for our meal! We are soo thankful to them.
We have had a good week and have had to look for miracles all around us. Being with Sister McBride is like doing a 180. For example, we are already getting called the Mc-Sisters, and she is so willing and has a great desire to go up and talk! That is a huge difference from last 2 transfers. its incredible to pray for help in knowing what her weaknesses are and how I can help her. I love her so much. She is amazing and will do so much good!She just has to stick to it. A few people in the ward are starting to tell me that I have been here (in the ward) forever! and sometimes I feel like that is sooo true! But we are really trying to work on strengthening our relationship with the members and doing more for them. Our Ward Mission Leader is inspired and really trying to help us with that as well.

Monday, June 10, 2013


Elizabeth added these to her letter without any descriptions.  Her companion is Sister Tompkins.

June 10th, Transfers this week

Hey Family! How are y'all doing!
So Mom or Dad might have told y'all the transfer news, but here it is. I'm staying in ONLY the Picacho Ward. AND I'm TRAINING again. Sister Tompkins is leaving and NOT training. They have decided to give Mesilla Valley there own missionaries and then to combine the Dona Ana and University Ward. At first, we were a bit surprised by all of this news. We thought for sure Sis. Tompkins would also train and that she'd be in Picacho. but right after we received the news, I went into the other room and prayed about it to know that I could do it. I decided to open the scriptures, and with complete faith that I would receive an answer, I pointed and read. It was Alma 38:9 "And now, my son, I have told you this that ye may learn wisdom, that ye may learn of me that there is no other way or means whereby man can be saved, only in and through Christ, Behold, he is the life and the light of the world. Behold, he is the word of truth and righteousness" I feel like this has been a reoccurring theme throughout my mission, and even my life. Heavenly Father loves putting me where I am uncomfortable or taking away all of my comforts. And he does this that I may learn to more fully lean upon him and learn that through Christ all things are possible. I am very thankful for the way my testimony has grown and deepened.
I have about 430 photos on my 2gb memory card, so ill be sending that home. very soon. Luckily, I have the 4gb one still at home. wow, 430 pics in 3 transfers- since Feb. wow! not enough right? :)
This week has been nice because we were able to get pictures with people that we love and care about. It will be sad not teaching them any more, but very good as well. I hope and pray that the new missionaries will be able to help them with what they need to progress to baptism.
I have to add a side note that Sister Tompkins is amazing and I love her so much! We have become best friends and have amazing unity in teaching, laughing, and just having fun. It has been a huge blessing to have her support as well as a blessing from heavenly Father to have a good friend and companion.
On Friday, we held a funeral for the Three Elders going home, Elder Otto, Elder Koranda, and Elder Johnson. It is so sad to see them leaving! They are great missionaries and I was able to serve with each of them. Our zone is going to be changing sooo much.
We were also fed to over stuffing this week with members taking us to Texas Road House and Calitches one night and then Cracker Barrel the next. ! But it was sooo good!
I also wanted to tell you about our miracle Tuesday that took alot of faith and work! But it turned out to be amazing. We had appointments at 1, 2, 3, 4:30, 5, 6:30, 7:30 and they all went through! By the end of the night we had 3 new people to teach, and had taught 6 lessons. It was a miracle. It was amazing to see how important faith is and the role it plays in the work of God. It is always incredible to see how God works.
Alright, so Dad, Mom, and Kenzie keep asking me what I want for my birthday. Sooooo, um, I want a DVD of President Monson's talk on obedience and Race of life.... umm. sticky notes, in bright or light colors (no dark blue, yuck) ummm..... Stickers....

Well, I just wanted to end this by telling all of you that I love you and Happy Father's Day to Dad! This has been a good week and I truly don't know what I want for my birthday (a very small Texas Flag!)  so maybe ask the Elders what is most special to them to get from home for there birthday. I love  you all and keep you in my prayers

Monday, June 3, 2013

Short letter

Dear Great family!
Sorry this letter is short today.
This week, we had a zone conference meeting that was great.
My favorite part of the meeting was talking about how to have faith. It is very easy to get down, but we just remember how to pick ourselves back up and keep going everyday. We also watched clips from Pollyanna about the Glad game. She is able to look at every horrible situation in life and find happiness. For example, what would be so happy about not getting to sleep a wink because you are so ill? You don't have to waste all that time asleep! You could do and think of many other things. Since then, we have begun to use this game as we work. It has helped a lot in helping up look at the positive side of everything, even when things get very down.
This week, we were witnesses for Ruby and Eli's wedding. It was odd signing my full name on the marriage record. i am excited for them, but i hope that they push forward to make mu ch more for there family eternally. They have much potential. It was also a very simple service, especially for my first wedding to attend. But they didn't seem as happy afterwords as Abby and her husband did after theirs.
Transfer news is next week and we are so nervous. no idea what will happen and that is the worst part. where who what when why? idk?
We are still teaching the man that is addicted to meth and by Wednesday he wants to be off the pacts for smoking! so excited for him!!!
I love you