Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I get to email you today!! 

Mom and Dad - I loved being able to talk with you yesterday.  I am sorry I cried.  I tried fighting it, but hey, at least I did say a lot!  I was so happy that I was able to hear your voices.  It made me so happy.

Mom - How is the new house?  What is up with the new ward and all of those changes?  How are you liking everyone going back to school?  Is it relaxing in the daytime and crazy at night?  How are you liking every ones teachers and stuff?  If you are wondering what Grandma is doing, I think I can tell you.  It sounds odd, but I have been keeping a close tab on her.  I do not think that she was with me at the MTC much.  I did not need her there.  But I do think that she has been in a few places.  When she is not with you, I think that she has been helping to guide the people in New Mexico whom I will soon teach.  I also think that she has been helping with the temple work of those who have died.  I know that she is wherever she is needed.  I love and miss her so much and I am sure that I think of her so often because she is near me so often.  And I know that her and PaPa love you so much.

Dad - How is work? What are you working on?  Is it different now that everyone is at school again?  I love you so much!  Its crazy being here.  I am so thankful for all of the things that you have taught me and continue to teach me.  Could you send me some stories from your mission?  I would LOVE to hear about them.

So, yesterday I got to the airport, went to the temple for a picture (that didn't turn out too bad, except for Elder Reading hiding behind the president) went to the mission home for lunch, pictures and stuff.  Then some Sister Missionaries came over and took us to knock on doors!!  But it was awesome1!  On the first door, we a referral for the English Speaking Elders (I was with Spanish speaking sisters) with a date and a time :) So Cool!! On the next door no one answered, and on the last I got to talk to this very talkative lady about churches and life.  She is a very devote catholic (baptized at 40) but we were able to give her a pamphlet.  She was very nice.

Ok, what you may be dying to know.. We stayed at the mission home last night and today I got my area and companion.  I am with Sister Linday, in the Area Bernalillo/Enchanted Hills (those 2 wards) in the Bernalillo District with district leader Elder Schneider, Zone Santa Fe/Rio Ranco with zone leaders Elder Chalk (From Houston!! I think he said Spring something?) and Elder Turnbo.  I also found out that the office does NOT forward mail or boxes!  I live about 20 minutes from the office. 

Today, I dropped off my stuff and came to email you after I got my companion.  I have a lot to learn.  But when we were waiting for the library to open we talked to a man who tried to tell us lies about the Book of Mormon. - whatever- for every no we get, we are more likely to get a yes!

New Mexico is absolutely beautiful!  I love it already so much! Our apartment is pueblo style.  It is an adjacent apartment to a members home, but they are out of town.  I am so sad to have left my companion and the elders from the MTC but I am happy.  We had an amazing district that I miss so much.

I LOVE all of you so much! You are amazing! I miss you like crazy and I am so glad that y'all are writing me often! all of my LOVE forever!

Sister Elizabeth K McShane

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tonight Elizabeth K McShane will be sleeping in her mission presidents home in Albuquerque. We had an amazing visit with her on the phone this morning and then tonight I spoke with a sister in the office there who called to get some information about a package Elizabeth was suppose to get and has not been received there yet. :/ It was great speaking to this wonderful sister who had been visiting...
with Elizabeth and reported wonderful things to me! :) Elizabeth sounded wonderful on the phone! She is happy and loved her MTC experience completely. A special thank you to everyone who has been writing her. She told us how much those letters mean to her and how thankful she is for such wonderful people in her life!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

August 22, 2012

Thank you everyone for the letters and the prayers@! they make me laugh soooo much! My district leader checks the mail 2 times everyday. After lunch and after dinner. After lunch is when we get the packages and some letters and then after dinner comes the Dear Elder's and some last min. letters. So if you send a letter on Saturday to the MTC, idk if i will get it at all :(

I bet the missionaries LOVE y'all! And i know that they will love you even more if you give them some referrals :) haha, sound like a missionary already, ya? I hope you continue having the missionaries over a lot. My biggest tip for feeding them is to be incredibly good food and unique every time. Missionaries get the same food a lot i bet. Oh, but give them options in case they don't like anytghing.

I saw Elder Heretia today for like 2 min. He was in a rush. It'll b cool to see him here for a few days.

I watched The Testaments and it was soooo funny!!!! It was with a lot of elders. I don't know why, but when the guy kisses the girl and all the elders start laughing, I cant help but laugh at the elders!!!! hahahahahahah! :) But at the end of the movie, i truly did want the savior to come again. It was amazing and so real. Although, I think the screen we watched it on is only a little bit bigger than the one in the media room, but not nearly so close

Eyn- how do you like the ward right now? I heard about the many girls :) :) :) sounds awesome. What have you been up to?

Trent- I LOVE YOU! hahahahaha, i loved ur email!!! made me laugh so hard! I know that however the new ward is, it will be awesome. You know how you said you deleted half the letter to me? I know how you feel! I was writing my branch president for an assignment and the same thing happened to me! Ahhh! It made me late for our 30 min. breakfast! not soo cool! How in the world did the topic of Lion king and Tangled come up with the missionaries? Man, why didn't we all watch Tangled before i left! that would have been awesome! You asked how to send pictures. If you want me to keep the pictures, send them snail mail. if you just want me to see the pictures, you can just add it as an attachment onto your letters to myldsmail. Ill see them that way.

Dad- hahahaha! I don't think it would help your case if i told mom to let you read some of my letters out loud :) hahahah you people make me laugh (im not suppose to say "you guys" so we say a lot of "you elders/sisters" around here"

Amberly- I sent you a letter (that you have to let everyone else read too :P but i forgot to mention this) mom said that you two got pedicures!!!!! ahhh! soooo coool! and so much better than i could ever do! how was it? did  you get ur nails done again? did they rub your feet? isn't it awesome!

Mom- :) :) :) I have loved your letters almost everyday. If you sent me one today, I'm afraid that I wont get it until after 5:30. The elders always tease the sisters because we get all the mail! when yours prints out, many times it looks like i have 2 letters!  and then some of my friends and others send some too! :) it is so much fun! and people in my district or zone keep getting dear elder food packages that they share with all of us. it is soo much fun :)

So, I have no idea when I am going to be able to email/write you again seeing as the day we fly out is on a Monday. Honestly, i don't even know if we will have another opportunity to wash clothes for 2 weeks. please write me though and write me again and again! its sooo worth all of it.

So yesterday, for devotional my roommates and I decided to sing in the choir. They never tell us who comes to speak to us. It is all very secret. The speaker was coming through the door when the people nearest the entrance suddenly jumped up. It was so funny to see us all trying to stand and figure out who it was. It was Neil L. Anderson!!!! He gave a great talk about 10 things that President Monson would tell us if he were here. You know Pres. Monson's bday was yesterday? we all sang happy birhtday to him :) It was a great talk that was very inspiring.

Mom- you mentioned this week about a triangle that Elder Kol... talked about. My companion and I have really used that and tried to work on it. The first person we need to convert is ourselves, followed by our relationship Io each other. there is a triangle with God at the top, the missionaries on one side, and the investigator on the other. Which is the most important line to follow? Its from the investigator to God. We need to work toward guiding the investigators to develop there own relationship with God. This is key for true conversion.

This week, i taught an investigator about the restoration and Joesph Smith. It was going good, until i suddenly felt an overwhelming love for him. I felt only  a tidbit of God's love for him. It was amazing! I was able to teach him and really care about him as God did. I even felt prompted to ask him to be baptised and he said yes. I will teach him for the last time tonight and i hope that everything is still going strong. I want to have experiences like that all the time. They are not yet the norm.

We also taught a lady from Tonga who truly loved the bible and was looking for the truth. She had all of these questions and talked and talked about her life and her spiritual progression. I think that she was a real investigator. At the end of it. My companion spoke up and bore and incredibly powerful. testimony. It was amazing. all 3 of us were crying it was so strong. We didn't answer teach her much doctrinally, but with her short testimony she told the lady exactly what we believe in. Joesph Smith- Book of Mormon- the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and more. It was too perfect to have happened without God.

Sadly, not all lessons are that amazing, but that is OK right now. I hope to just keep growing and getting better.

I love all of you so much! you are the best family I could have ever asked for. Thank you for all of the prayers  and love you send my way. There are times that I can physically, mentally, and spiritually feel it. I love you and i hope everyone the best as you go to school. I pray for you all of the time! Remember to love God with all of your heart and look up 1 Nephi 4:6. its my life exactly.

Love Sister Elizabeth K McShane

Thursday, August 16, 2012

P-day was amazing because I was able to hear all of your words.  After getting this letter, I am sure you wonder if I do anything, but write you while I am here! :) but, no. Actually, I have exciting news! I have my travel itinerary!  I will be leaving here the morning of August 27, 2012 and will be arriving in Albuquerque, NM at 11:16am.  :) So guess what?  I get to CALL YOU!!!!  I will call between 7:00 a.m - 9:40 am. Whenever I can grab a pay phone! (my time in SLC)

I have to admit that today was not my best day, but that is OK.  I am excited and ready for tomorrow to learn a lot and have a blast!!

Thank you for all of your prayers.  I can really feel your love and support with me as I try, try, try again. 

Something that is new is that I have to teach 2 of the newer sisters at the same time!  It is just me teaching!  And they have 2 completely different background stories!  They hardly even know each other as investigators at all!! EEK!  But it was a lot of fun today and I am learning a lot.

I love the scriptures, especially personal time.  I feel like they are a tool and a means to new and more information.

If you think you never have anytime, look at this:

6:00am. - Optional gym
6:30 Get up
7:10 - Breakfast
7:40-8:40- Zone Teaching
8:45 - 11:45 Classroom
11:45 - 12:30  Lunch
12:30 - 1:20 Gym
1:20 - 1:50 Prepare for next activity
1:55 - 2:55 Personal study time
3:10- 4:10  Doctrinal Study
4:15 - 4:45 Daily Planning Session
4:45- 5:30 Dinner
5:30 - 6:30 TRC -Referral
6:30 - 9:30 Classroom
9:30 - 10:15 Personal Time
10:15- 10:30 Quiet time/Lights out
Wow, huh!!  Everything is packed!

Mom, I have loved the 2 letters you sent on DearElder!  They make me so happy! And I'm sry Macy hated you not being home! Ekk, Yuck for the others!  I never realized how long it took you to receive my mail.  Were you wondering why I hadn't responded yet?

I get to go to the temple on P-days, so only 2x :( Wish it was more and I get to walk around it on Sunday, but I won't tell you what time. :)

Amberly - I am so proud of you for wanting to wear clothes below your knees!  It might be challenging to find cute outfits like that, but it is so worth it! Its like you are dressing like me some! Hahaha!

I love the mountains up here!  All of the walk ways on campus are covered, but we always try to look through the buildings and see what the mountains are doing today!

I am only aloud to write today to tell you my travel itinerary! :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dear Family!!!!!

WOW!!!!!!! So many questions, so much love, and much I want to say to all of you! I LOVE ALL of you and I hope you will share your letters with each other because there is no way I can say everything in just one! No time!!!!!

Mom- I am so glad that you had fun with Uncle Tom! Did you get the letter I sent last week? The letters and packages were amazing! I have the necklace on right now! I shared the donuts with my district and they LOVED them!!!!!!!!! My district is make of 12 people. 4 girls and 8 elders. they are amazing people! I cant believe the amount of love that I feel for them! I cant believe all of the changes that I am hearing! WOW! I want to know everything that is going on! I really care! And I am so happy that you felt the spirit at your meetings. The spirit means so much to me. I cant imagine not having it as much as I do now.

haha, In Trent's letter, he said that he had been sooo spoiled this week! He loves it!!!! hahaha! I'm sry that you had to get checked at the airport again! Half sry that I couldn't watch and smile again! hahahahaha! And YES you are crazy to bring home so many peaches! hahahahah! but I am NOT surprised! I am sure he loves them!

Mom, I love you so much! I got to go into the temple today and it was so beautiful! The pictures do NOT do that temple justice! It is so much prettier than I ever imagined! I wanted to share with you what happened when i was playing an investigator. It was so strange. I was playing Chris and Sister Maggart was teaching me. I felt the Spirit so strong as thought I was Chris. It was not me. I knew what to say as Chris! It was amazing! I cant explain it. It explains how my teachers can role play for us. My companion in Sister Purcell. She is so much fun and so strong in faith. I love working with her. My district is amazing.

I can now shower and be ready in 40 min!!! Ahhh!
First few days were crazy stress, but the more I learn to trust the spirit the better that it is. I love it here. now. hahaha! Ive learned to accept that I have NO time and go from there! I love you!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOO much!

Love Sister Elizabeth McShane
My Dear Amazing Family,

I love all of you so much!!  This morning I did a session at the temple!  It was so beautiful!

Yesterday, I read 1 Nephi 4:6 - "And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do".  I think that sums up my MTC experience.  I had no idea of what to expect!  It is by the Spirit that I have been able to learn and gain so much this last week.  My teachers are incredible.  They teach simply and are good examples to me of what I should do.  The food is ok....but not great and no soft serve ice cream!! Bummer!!

I only get enough sleep to last me till the next day.  Thankfully, I am sleeping much better now. 

Thank you for your love, support and prayers (because my investigators and I really need them)

Can you please send my emails by DearElder.com?  That way I can get them earlier and I can plan what to write to each of you.  I love you all so much!  Please reply soon and many times!!

Sister Elizabeth McShane :) 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

First Letter from the MTC - written August 9, 2012

Dear Mom, Dad, Eyn, Trent and Amberly,

I love and miss all of you so much!  I keep thinking "where is my phone" or "Is my phone on silent?" or "Oh, I'd love to call you and tell you.... " I Never thought I'd miss my phone so much!! lol!  Just so you know, my MTC president gave us all special instructions to write these 1st few days.  I have also found out that my 1st P-day is on Wednesday!

The 1st few days here have really been crazy.  I don't know what to say about them.  Every second is mapped out for me.  Where I need to go, do say...  Tomorrow, my companion - Sister Purcell - and I will teach an investigator.  We are a bit lost as to what we need to say, but we are praying a lot and will study more in the morning.  I am in the 3rd Branch, 3rd District, and 3rd Zone, so that won't be hard to remember.  My companion is amazing.  She is one of those people that you instantly see and know there is some kind of connection or something there.  She is from Hawaii.  My two other roommates - Sister McFarland and Sister Gale - are amazing too.  We are all instant friends.  My district is made up mainly of people going to Albuquerque New Mexico  (Sister McFarland, me, my companion, and 2 of the elders) or South Carolina.  We are already feeling like a family.  I feel like I have so much to do and so little time.  My zone is made up of 3 districts.  I have had so much fun here.  The spirit is so strong and everyone is so happy and inviting.

Sleep was hard last night - I have 2 roommates with ticking alarm clocks! But all is good!  My companion is 25.  The other 2 are 21 and 24.  However, I am the baby, but I don't feel like it.  Its like we have the sisters - huge gap - brothers.  Wow, Dad!  You were right!  The 19 year olds are SO immature!  I thought you'd like to know that I now have a white bible and a clerical card signed by President Monson.

I love my scriptures Mom!  They are so beautiful.  I played soccor and some other game during gym time today.  It was wonderful being outside.  I am so happy that we went out with Uncle Tom and the family.  It was very special to have them out with me.

FYI - I have already used an entire package of moleskin to line my shoes! OUCH!! No blisters yet though! I am expected to leave the MTC about the 27th of August - The last day in the field is 26 Feb 2014. 

Being here, I feel more confident and stupid at the same time.  Does that make sense? One of my teachers served with President and Sister Miller in New Mexico.  We ask him many questions.  Have you ever heard of Green Chili?  Supposedly, we are all going to love and crave it...

My roommate, Sister McFarland said "I thought Sister McShane was just the sweetest, nicest person and then you come out with these sassy comments,"  Hahahahah!!  See! They are getting to know me soooo well!! 

I love all of you so much!! I pray about you in Every prayer.  I want you to be safe and truly feel the spirit in your life every day.  Keep me updated on everything!

Love, Sister McShane (Cause thats my name!!)