Monday, June 10, 2013

June 10th, Transfers this week

Hey Family! How are y'all doing!
So Mom or Dad might have told y'all the transfer news, but here it is. I'm staying in ONLY the Picacho Ward. AND I'm TRAINING again. Sister Tompkins is leaving and NOT training. They have decided to give Mesilla Valley there own missionaries and then to combine the Dona Ana and University Ward. At first, we were a bit surprised by all of this news. We thought for sure Sis. Tompkins would also train and that she'd be in Picacho. but right after we received the news, I went into the other room and prayed about it to know that I could do it. I decided to open the scriptures, and with complete faith that I would receive an answer, I pointed and read. It was Alma 38:9 "And now, my son, I have told you this that ye may learn wisdom, that ye may learn of me that there is no other way or means whereby man can be saved, only in and through Christ, Behold, he is the life and the light of the world. Behold, he is the word of truth and righteousness" I feel like this has been a reoccurring theme throughout my mission, and even my life. Heavenly Father loves putting me where I am uncomfortable or taking away all of my comforts. And he does this that I may learn to more fully lean upon him and learn that through Christ all things are possible. I am very thankful for the way my testimony has grown and deepened.
I have about 430 photos on my 2gb memory card, so ill be sending that home. very soon. Luckily, I have the 4gb one still at home. wow, 430 pics in 3 transfers- since Feb. wow! not enough right? :)
This week has been nice because we were able to get pictures with people that we love and care about. It will be sad not teaching them any more, but very good as well. I hope and pray that the new missionaries will be able to help them with what they need to progress to baptism.
I have to add a side note that Sister Tompkins is amazing and I love her so much! We have become best friends and have amazing unity in teaching, laughing, and just having fun. It has been a huge blessing to have her support as well as a blessing from heavenly Father to have a good friend and companion.
On Friday, we held a funeral for the Three Elders going home, Elder Otto, Elder Koranda, and Elder Johnson. It is so sad to see them leaving! They are great missionaries and I was able to serve with each of them. Our zone is going to be changing sooo much.
We were also fed to over stuffing this week with members taking us to Texas Road House and Calitches one night and then Cracker Barrel the next. ! But it was sooo good!
I also wanted to tell you about our miracle Tuesday that took alot of faith and work! But it turned out to be amazing. We had appointments at 1, 2, 3, 4:30, 5, 6:30, 7:30 and they all went through! By the end of the night we had 3 new people to teach, and had taught 6 lessons. It was a miracle. It was amazing to see how important faith is and the role it plays in the work of God. It is always incredible to see how God works.
Alright, so Dad, Mom, and Kenzie keep asking me what I want for my birthday. Sooooo, um, I want a DVD of President Monson's talk on obedience and Race of life.... umm. sticky notes, in bright or light colors (no dark blue, yuck) ummm..... Stickers....

Well, I just wanted to end this by telling all of you that I love you and Happy Father's Day to Dad! This has been a good week and I truly don't know what I want for my birthday (a very small Texas Flag!)  so maybe ask the Elders what is most special to them to get from home for there birthday. I love  you all and keep you in my prayers

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