Monday, November 12, 2012

Veterns Day Letter



The baptism went great this week! Isabella was so beautiful in white and the young women had volunteered to sing as well. It always helps when we have a great turn out from the ward. At the start, I was a bit stressed out trying to make sure everything went smoothly and so forth. But then I decided that baptisms are not all about how perfect everything runs or that people are at the right places at the right time. All that was truly important was that we had prepared well, the spirit was present, and that Isabella was choosing for herself to make sacred covenants with God. After that, little else mattered. It truly was a beautiful baptism and I am so excited to be able to keep in contact with her for the rest of our lives. I can already imagine her in white, preparing for marriage in the temple. I have sent you a letter that tells a little about her, but has her baptismal photo in it.

In teaching Isabella and with moms new calling and with new things we are trying to do with the youth, I have been thinking alot about the youth recently. We have been trying to get priests and laurels to go with us. You know, we found Isabella because of her 12 year old friend? And Isabella has amazing fellowshiping in the youth of the church. She loves it. Then the young women sang "Firm on Faith" at church on Sunday and left our investigator speechless and feeling the spirit with great strength. It is amazing what they can do. Working with children and youth, I have seen them do more missionary work than most adults have done in the ward. Fear of missionary work seems to be something that children learn from parents, wards, and the society at large.

(Last week we taught sharing time and asked the older kids to give away pass a long cards) So this week, we gave away small prizes and asked the kids who they gave the cards too. They were so excited to tell us exactly who they gave the cards away to and how and all about them. They are so great.

S. Lindsay's brother, Elder Lindsay recently sent a letter in which he said this " A lot of members think that doing missionary work is telling someone we are Christians at work or answering a non members questions and then not inviting them to church of giving them anything. The best way for us to missionary work is to have the missionaries involved and getting the non members to do something. Not just planting seeds but looking for ways to harvest." We read this in RS this Sunday. That night, we had a call from the woman feeding us on Monday. She said that she had really thought about what we had said and that she had invited 2 nonmembers to eat with us Monday night.
So, exchanges are the 20th. If me or my companion are getting transferred, then we will mail on Tuesday so that I can tell you where I am going to be. So be super careful if you are mailing me anything that should come around then. Because I have no idea where I may be. So, let me teach you a bit of lingo.
White-washed= a completely new set of elders are being put in an area
pink-washed= a completely new set of sisters
died= its your last transfer in the mission
someone killed a missionary= they were that missionaries last companion before she got transferred
ummm that's all of the ones on the top of my head at the moment, but there is more

It has been FREEZING!!!!! Mainly, because we just got our heater turned on on Sunday night. But on Saturday, we had been at a member's home and they asked how we were and we told them that we had no heat. Before we knew it, everyone jumped in to help. WE had 3 space heaters donated and a bunch of warm blankets from the members. Everyone has been asking how we are doing and we even had a random call from a member asking if we were ok. Not to mention many members cooking amazing meals, and then giving us ALL of the leftovers from it! I cant believe how great the members have treated us recently. No snow yet, but our car has been telling us "Ice Possible" quite a lot

On Saturday, we had a mission wide "Park and Walk" day where we parked the car and had street contacting for 2 hours. IT WAS FREEZING! Sadly, it was so cold and windy here that no one was outside. But we pushed through it all and gave away a few cards.


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