Monday, March 25, 2013

Happy Easter!!

Training is going really good so far. I love my companion. We have a lot of fun. She has already invited her first person to be baptized and she is a really good teacher. It is fun getting to help her out, although it is harder, because I am more responsible for pushing myself and I play a big part in "rescue"ing her in difficult situations. It is fun to help her though, in studies. And she is soo willing to do whatever it takes to be a missionary. She hates rules, but obeys them because it is right. She is crazy though. I love Sister Tompkins. Yesterday she was sick, and we had to miss church, but we were able to go to a missionary Easter Fireside put on by the stake. It was really great for her to meet more people and see potential investigators that had been invited by the members.
Our first teaching opportunity came on her first day here. We had gotten a lot of missionary things accomplished and then went to dinner. 30 min in, Sis. A's phone rang. Her husband (who just tried out for the NFL- look up Adolfo) had called to tell her that he was bringing two potential investigators to dinner in 5 min. And they wanted to hear the first lesson! AHHHH! It went really well, but was funny because I've never had to teach most of the lesson like that (no prep time or anything for her) But the people really loved what they heard and I'm excited to teach them again after spring break. They seem like great people.
We also taught a Less active member with foster daughters. It was a very powerful lesson on the atonement. I could just feel so much love for these girls and what they have gone through. They are truly so amazing, and we hope that they will learn to apply the atonement into their lives. Even the simplest basics of God is our Loving Heavenly Father could have such a huge impact on there lives, if they would let it.
It is really funny to see her and then think of myself when I first came out. My poor trainer. I think my companion is just starting to really learn that missionaries are always tired.
This Thursday, I will be driving the sisters down to El Paso for another meeting.  Fun to be in Texas, but El Paso doesn't look much like TX. We won't be going far in. Only to the Redd chapel.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I'm a Trainer!!

Monday Letter:
First off, mom probably already told you, but starting tomorrow I will be training a brand new missionary straight from the MTC. We have 18 sisters coming out this transfer. Basically, this means that almost every sister in the mission will be training this transfer. Then, next transfer we will be getting 8 new sisters. With that, some of the sisters will be out for 6wks (wont be able to finish the 12 week new missionary program) and start training someone else while other sisters will be given 2 new sisters. EKKKKK! Crazy huh! We have more sisters coming out than elders by far and they have opened many new areas.
I was in EL PASO TX on Friday
Because I'm training, I think I will bring the new sister to the library tomorrow afternoon to email home and her family. I should be back on then./
I don't have much time because we are exchanging pictures, But I wanted to tell Trent and Amberly that I used parts of both of there talks in my Sacrament meeting talk on Sunday. Thanks for doing part of my work for me :) hehe. Part of church we talked about the atonement and then about Forgiveness for ourselves and for others. but what do we do with that forgiveness when you still can not trust is the question?
So I wanted to request a few things :)
- my pedometer to track how far we walk.
- I really need the D&C Study Videos (has legacy, prophet of the restoration and ...)
- I also really need the Mormon Messages Videos #1 and #2
- And I'd really like a DvD of some of the other Mormon Messages ( Like the one of Ester of Courage! WOW!, a few profile videos and a LOT of the Bible Story videos)
Sorry, I guess I need these things because of the messages they share. I've had companions who have had these and they really help. Now, I have a feeling we won't have them and I love them! Please get them to me ASAP or let me know if you cant, because then I'll order them or get them at the temple trip. PLEASE
I am sorry this letter is soo short today, with everything going on. I want y'all to know that I love ALL of y'all. Y'all are all so special. Always search out what heavenly Father would have you do. All will be well if we rely upon him in times of trials. Truly, we can do nothing of ourselves, but With Jesus Christ all things are possible.  I love you tons. And I will hopefully chat with y'all tomorrow.

Tuesday Letter:
Hey family!
I can't believe I am a trainer. I don't know anything. This will be a lot of fun.
Her name is Sister Tompkins and she is 20 years old. She was at the MTC for 10 days and I am very excited to get to know her better.
It is weird not being in a trio anymore, but I don't think the full impact of it has fully hit. its been hard saying goodbye to both of them. Its also sad, because of all my companions I probably know my trainer the most because I was with her the longest.
Oh, something that I forgot to tell y'all is that I drove half of last transfer and now I am driving again. One of the days, I drove 1.5 hours to Alamogordo and then an hour back. I am thinking that we may have to do that again on Friday.
The heat has really been starting to hit the area. On Saturday, we spent all day walking, we only drove 3 miles, and that was so that we wouldn't be late to our dinner appointment. We all got burned, and you can bet we will not be doing more walking in the noon day sun than we have to. We were able to talk to quite a few people though and it was nice with the breeze.
Tonight's plans are to have dinner at 5 (I hope! The family has not responded to our message yet :/ ... Wait! yep, they just did and we are good), with that to share a dinner message, and then we have an active member lesson at 6:30 tonight. After that, I hope we have some time to try and contact some former investigators and tract a few houses, before we come back in so Sister Tompkin can unpack and feel more at home.
This morning was inspired. Because of transfers we had Sister Reedy stay the night with us. (She had been in the area previously) She had been teaching a part member family a few months ago, before she left. Then sickness and other things came up in this families lives and we had to drop the family for our teaching pool. This morning, we went over since she was here and found out that the nonmember part of the family still wanted us to keep coming over. It was a miracle! I am so excited to be able to teach them. We definitely went at the right moment, when everything seemed to be falling to pieces
I love y'all so much! I pray for your happiness and for your knowledge of the gospel to increase and grow everyday.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Happy Spring Break!

Hello Family! Happy Spring Break in Katy! (Yes, I still say Katy, not Brookshire) I'm not sure when the kids here have spring break.
This week has been great! I think that a great big finale of it all was the baptism of Katie on Saturday. It was a beautiful service with the Spirit being so strong. I think that my favorite part was when Katy bore her testimony. What really stood out to me was when she said that she knew without any doubt that this was exactly what she was suppose to do. It was so powerful and had so much sweet strength in it. I know that she had many people trying to persuade her other ways, but with prayer and faith, she is now on the straight and narrow path to live with God one day. I am so excited for her, I love her so much. She just glows.
To add upon the baptism, we had another Investigator come to the baptism with a member family. We had just started teaching Ruby this week when we had a suggestion to stop by this families home one night. She has really gone through a lot in her life, but through the atonement of Jesus Christ I know that she can overcome all things. After the baptism, we had stopped by to see her again. We were able to relate Alma's experience of being in the gall of bitterness and how he was able to exercise the atonement to feel peace in his heart and mind. I know that Jesus Christ suffered all of our pains, that we may rely upon him to lift us up when we are low. We were able to invite Ruby to be baptized on April 13 and she said yes! I am so excited for her to learn more about the gospel and its importance in her life!~
We also taught a mission prep class this week about Australia and teaching people who do not believe in God. It was great. We shared about Ammon teaching King Lamonhi's father. It is amazing how the scriptures are full of missionary work. WE also made Pavlova from Austraila! it was good. It was fun teaching in a classroom again. We even had a kid try Vegimite- which tastes weird and reminds me of soy sauce. buts its good.
This week, I received a blessing and there is one line that has stood out to me. It said that his path was prepared for me. It struck me that Heavenly Father has not only prepared me for the path, but the path for me as well. I think that it is remarkable that Heavenly Father knows us so well, that he has truly prepared what I will be going through. It is more than making me strong enough to face the challenges ahead, but making the challenges exactly what I need to go through.
Alright, just to make everyone laugh, I'm giving an 8 min. talk in sacrament meeting this week. I know haha. I guess I had to join Trent and Amberly in there talks. So that means mom and dad are up next! hehe.
We also taught a less active man named Michael this week. It was funny bc when we came over he grabbed his scriptures and everything. What I liked about our meeting was that he understood that he was less active. And with that, we were able to be bold with him and tell him that he knew what he needed to do to be happy again. And that it was now down to his choice and AGENCY (See Trent) whether or not to partake of that which is good. WE compared it to an hour glass. There is only one straight, narrow, small gap for the sand to go through, but once it does, there are millions of blessings awaiting the other end.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


February Zone Conference

P Day at White Sands New Mexico

Baptism of Katia

P Day at White Sands 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Peace, Peace Be Still

Dear Family!
Hello! How are y'all doing this week? We had a good, busy week with many appointments and things going on. We went on splits, had exchanges with the Alamogordo sisters, and had a really good Zone Conference Meeting with President. We also have a baptism this week for a girl named Katie that we are all excited for.
Something fun that I got to do was to pick pecans (from the ground) for Katie's family. It was great because 1. I'd never done that before, 2. it was service, 3 it was with Katie and 4. Because her mom was able to ask us some heartfelt questions about Mormons. It was a great setting to get to talk about the church and help out. I know that we did a lot of good there that day and we are excited to be able to go back again this week for more. OH, 5 because the chickens are kept with the trees, so I got to pet a bunch of them and 6. We got freshly chopped pecans AND orange and green chicken eggs! That's pretty cool!
I think it was yesterday that I realized that I have been out almost 7 months. Weird huh? (for the record, I'm counting how many days I've been out, NOT how long I have left) Its nice because I know better how things work together mission-wise. However, I still know absolutely nothing and always working to grow and continue with that. The last 6 months. the mission has been stressing how to become a master teacher. Ironic? Slightly, but it has really helped me out.
Wanna play a game at dinner?
Relate the following to the atonement of Christ
A blue fire hydrant
Street Signs
fingernail polish
have fun!
I received a letter from Isabella this week!It was the best she simply shared her testimony and updated me on the ward. I love her sooo much. I also got some great mail from my friends that I will try my best to write back today! (I'm usually really good at replying)
I am very excited because we are now teaching a woman named Kathy who has gone through a lot. She has a lot of faith but felt disfellowshiped and no spirit in other churches. After searching, she found our church in the directory and couldn't let it go. She went a few times to a different ward and has just recently moved in with a member here. She is sooo prepared and ready, I just hope that she will accept the gospel into her life.
Mom- yeah, thanks for sending the contacts soon! oh, and remember transfers are on march 19th OH, and i think its way funny how y'all spell "Las Cruces" Wrong :) hehe, "e" not "a" I can tell my friends got the address from y'all
Trent- I'm excited to read your letter! haha, i knew you'd get blinder!
Dad- I'm happy your better! and thank you for everything that you are doing for me!
Amberly! I sent you a good sized email today! Especially cause your at school when I am on! and not like Trent who texts me anyway :) I love you very much!
I pray for all of you everyday! I love y'all soooo much!