Monday, July 22, 2013

No Transfer!

Hey Family! How are y'all doing today? We are very excited because at last min. our zone decided to go to the Organ mountains to go hiking! And I get to wear JEANS! Sister McBride told me it was weird seeing me in jeans. HA! We will have a lot of fun. We sadly found out that about half of our zone is leaving and no one wants to go. Many were really surprised, including our district leader who is also a trainer. Its sad to see so many leave, but its also exciting to see who will come in. Oh, and that means I am staying in Picacho Ward. And I'm actually really excited about it. I get to finish Sister McBride's training and we know we will be together another 6 weeks too. We are seeing many miracles in the ward and can see things that we still need to do here
One miracle of the week is named Tiffany. She was a less active referral from a member who thought that missionaries really needed to go out and see her. Last night, we were trying to figure out exactly where Heavenly Father wanted us. Sister McBride felt like maybe we should see an investigator on the other side of town. So we pray about it, felt good, and drove over. But he wasn't home. So what was next. We knew we needed to be in this area, but where and why. Then, Tiffany pops into Sister McBride's head and it feels right to both of us. We go over and find her outside with her husband. Not only open and ready to talk, but excited that we had come over. She has been going through a lot, but through little timely miracles (no coincidences) she had started having a desire to come back to church, reading the Book of Mormon and so forth. She had even looked up when church was and asked for Sundays off of work. She is a miracle. As we were with her, I just knew that she is part of the reason why Sister McBride and I BOTH needed to be in the area for a bit longer. Heavenly Father certainly works in mysterious ways.
Another Miracle is with a part member less active family, in which the kids are not members. I have been working with them for a few months now, and I have loved getting to see the children's faces as they learn about Tea in the Word of Wisdom, and about God's love for them. Although the children have been so excited and interested, the parents have not been as interested. However, this is another family that I know I am meant to be here to teach. We were able to teach the kids a lesson, and then just talk with the mom. Who opened up and shared what was going on in her life and what she knew she needed to do. She is a miracle. I am so thankful that I have the chance to continue teaching and loving her.
I am so thankful that y'all get to associate more with the missionaries. And  I bet they would love to hear how much they have helped with Ron and with Dad's blessing. You'd think missionaries hear that all of the time or that they just know it, but they don't yet they keep pressing on. I admire all of the missionaries I get to serve with and remember a lot more now.
And ya, ya, I've just been waiting to hear when the wicked show is. Although I cant believe dads not going to see it bc he'd LOVE IT I think.
It is weird to think y'all have lived in the house for a year now! That is awesome. I cant believe y'all put holes in it to light up the house for Christmas. How did y'all ever convince Dad for that one? Did it include a deal in which Dad did not have to get on top of the house? Just curious... I'm thankful that y'all are able to enjoy it and feel the peace of the spirit within.
Well, family I love you and I'm really sad I didn't get to talk to many of  you today, and thankful I got to talk with Trent for a bit! I love y'all so much and think of y'all and pray for y'all often! Ya ll are the best!

Love Sister Elizabeth McShane

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