Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Happy Back to School!

Happy First day back at school/seminary Family! I was going to say that just for Trent and Amberly, but lets be honest, it effects everyone and Macy.
This week has been a hectic crazy one as we prepare for a baptism on Friday at 6:30pm. Satan knows what we are up to and has not been happy with us since. It all began with needing to get an oil change... so we did. Tuesday- we pulled into a parking lot and stopped behind a car. The car then decides to back up right into us as Sis. McBride tries to reverse and can't and with both of us honking the horn. Then this nice woman turns around like she is going to talk with us, drives into  a pizza place and goes in to get her food... then comes out with takeout. So I go over to her and tell her she hit our car and she starts yelling at saying  I " was trying to pull a fast one on her..." She didn't believe us and wouldn't give any info but her name, number and address. I'm glad I thought to check the license plate. So we were all shaken up, not at the accident, but at the mean old lady we are all trying very hard to love and forgive at this point. So a lot of paper work later. On Wednesday, we went to lunch at the DA sisters apt and went to get in our car and it wouldn't work... uh oh. The elders came and jumped it, we left it on for an hour for it to charge, go to finish the paperwork, and we come out and it won't start again. We waited at the institute building for the elders to come help us again and I just had the thought, go start the car again, and it wouldn't leave my mind. I said a quick prayer in my heart and tried the car again. The second time, it started and we were able to get permission to drive it over to pep boys. Thanks to the sisters and good members giving us rides, we were able to pick the car up 2 hours later. They said that they had to put in a brand new battery, but that needing one didn't look like it had anything to do with the accident.
Wow, it has been a stressful month for our area as we have known that we could each reach one baptism this week. The DA sisters had a bladder infection, The District leader +comp  had to find new housing after a gas leak, then their washer leaked, then one of them had food poisoning. But that is okay, because Satan is not getting us down. We have still seen just incredible miracles this week as well.
One of them is in a young lady named Kendra. We received a referral from the yw president who got it from someone else. Its a LA/PM family that they thought was ready to hear the gospel. So we set up an appointment and really prayed about who to take with us and the answer was unmistakably Sister Shumway. So we went over and the lesson was amazing because of how prepared they were for the message. The missionaries had taught her before, but now she is ready. We invited her to be baptized and she said yes. Another miracle in it is that there is another young women who comes to church that is not baptized that we know is so ready as well. Well, these 2 girls know each other from basketball and are already friends. what a miracle is that! We have prayed for her so much and know that things are slowly falling into place for both of these families.

Mon. is Labor day. Tuesday Transfers. idk when I will get to write you but I hope that it is soon! I love y'all sooo much and thanks again for the letters. My comp and I really do feel that each one is inspired for us to get, and especially on those particular days. love  you!!!
Love, Elizabeth McShane
Sister McShane

Monday, August 19, 2013

August 19th, 2013

Hello Family!
How are y'all this week? This Monday is crazy. Last week we used an Elders slack lining stuff and did that at the park, and now today we are having a Nerf gun war at the church with our spirit animal shirts. We are excited about that because we asked a 13 year old investigator to draw them for us and they are awesome!!!!! Mine is a Phoenix! So cool! His name is Vincent and he is awesome! He even came to church on Sunday and has been going to other activities. First we just have to get an oil change for our car and do a few more things. Busy Busy! I got my hair cut today, but only by .5 in and got layers. I still think my hair is the longest! And according to Trent, much longer than dad's hair. And according to Amberly's much browner than Moms or Dads. Wow, they tell me everything! Although you can't tell from the pictures.
Some of our best news is that Alexandria (11) is going to be baptized on Aug 30th. We have written permission and the primary is going to help out a lot and we are soooo excited for it. She will get baptized before her brother and sister and we hope that they will be ready in a few weeks. And then we hope to get the rest of the family active again. Its sad, but the children are meant to be a strength and will one day lead them back. Its crazy because at last transfer I had the thought, I am not leaving this area until these children get baptized. I hope to stay the perfect amount of time to see all of them baptized and the whole family back in the church.
From the pictures, it looks like y'all had an awesome time at Mississippi and traveling there. What is a water bike? Its funny seeing y'all in the water. Here we have tons of beach. We can even get in it and bury ourselves like Amberly did.... we just don't have the water half :) And I cant believe  y'all got stung by Jellyfish! We were talking about that in Elder's Quorum this week (EQ, that is a first time! We went in there to make an announcement about having members come out with us during the week and left as soon as possible :) just teasing).    
This week has been great. Sister Tompkins wrote me a letter telling me that she had a dream with Ruby in it in which Ruby came up to her and told her that her and Eli had been sealed in the temple. The next day, she got my surprise picture of Ruby in White Baptism clothing. It was a miracle.
I'm just trying to keep my hope and faith up and remember to be happy and enjoy the journey. And not think about transfers on Sept 3. I love y'all and have loved checking the mail everyday this week to find a new surprise! I love y'all!!!!
Love Elizabeth, Never enough time to write!
Love love love! Sister McShane

Monday, August 12, 2013

One Year Mark!

Well, this week has been interesting lets just say.
First off, I hit my 1YEAR mark on Thursday (as well as 3 other elders in my zone) so a few companionship's came over for lunch and we did it. I mean, I did. I burned a shirt! and it was the best thing ever! haha, it was so much fun! It was that purple shirt with flowers on it that I have had forever! It seemed to take forever to burn and more melted away than anything, but it was fun. One of the elders also burned his shirt and we got most of it all recorded. Why is fire just so much fun? After, we went to Calitches for Custard. It was just a fun time. But I talked to Elder Munoz (the other one who hit his year) about how it was just a really hard day for the both of us. For different reasons and such, but just really hard.
A few weeks ago (first Fri. of the month) our zone leaders promised our entire zone that if we worked our hardest and tried to get rid of the things holding us back, then each area would receive 1 convert baptism. The promise was so strong and the spirit was felt by everyone and we left determined to do our best. However, Satan has been hard at work against all of us. We have really felt a shift in the ways things are working. God is working harder at the same time that Satan is stronger and attacking us at every point he can. We just have to remember to turn to God and keep going forward.
I want y'all to know that Amberly and Moms many letters really helped me out this week. Everything seemed to point to exactly what I needed to hear. And always made me smile. I hope that you Mom got a letter from me from last week. Should have gotten there on Sat. I think. Also Dad, I'm sending you a memory card home asap, because my second one doesn't have much space on it either. Thank you! Please send it back quickly!
We had interviews with President Miller this week and found out 2 new rule changes for our mission. 1. We can write letters any day during personal time and 2 We can now listen to any inspirational music! So I hope I get a package soon! I know I left a few CDs at home that I hope to get soon.
A few huge miracles happened yesterday at church. With everything going on, I had decided to fast for strength comfort and guidance. Well, the ward has decided that each auxiliary would be responsible for coming out with the missionaries a different week of the month. This week is ward council and next week elders quorum. we already have many people signed up to come with us, more than we have appointments for just yet. Its a miracle. I love the elders quorum especially because they are so inspired and willing to work and work hard. They are so excited they help the ward go. Also, we texted a former investigator that we had worked with Joel about church today. He always missed appointments and never came to church. We got a reply asking what time it was at and he told us he was coming. He surprised everyone and the ward just jumped in. It was a huge miracle and a blessing. He really enjoyed it and wants to turn his life around.
I love y'all and I'm sorry this letter is not more inspiring. I love you and I am happy. I am so thankful for my companion. We really need each other more than I thought we would. She is the best.
ps are you sure you don't want to go to white sands? :)

Monday, August 5, 2013

August 5th, 2013

Wow! I feel like I have received just the best emails this week ever! It has been a huge blessing!  And thank you soooo much for that family DVD again! This week, I got no snail mail, but I always knew it was okay, especially bc I go and watch  y'all on our DVD player. Huge blessing!

Yesterday, I started something called a 40 day fast, but I will do it for about a month. Meaning, you start with a fast, and as you study or pray you think about things that God would want you to put on the altar or sacrifice. What does he want me to lay aside to be a better missionary. And list them out. Then, for the month, you pray about these things and account to the Lord every night on how they are going. And by the end of the month, you end with a fast and see that heavenly Father is here and helping us be his servants as we ask him how we can improve. Amazing.  I'm very excited about it, because I know that these are things that HF wants me to change in my life. And knowing that, will help me not become overwhelmed as I see other ways that I could change as well. Becoming a consecrated missionary is not just changing your behavior, it is changing your nature and that is what I hope to continue to do.
So many miracles, so little time. The first one seems small, but it is still so incredible to me. There was one day this week that was incredibly HOT (OK, that's like everyday... anyway) and no one was answering the door. We had just driven up to a less active members home and sat in the car to say a prayer before dropping by. In the prayer, I prayed and just asked heavenly father to send some way for it to cool down and for rain so that we could just keep working forward. I cried out to Him asking for something to help us keep going forward. As soon as we said amen, we heard a roll of thunder! with a perfectly blue sky but we knew our prayer was answered, as we got out of the car, we looked up and saw one small ity bitty black cloud over us and felt the wind start to pick up. Walking to the door, we began to feel great raindrops. It was a miracle! No one answered at that door, so we drove over to another home and this small raincloud followed us over there. It truly was a miracle and a blessing. HF really does know what we need and how to get it to us! It was a miracle, I cant even explain how that cloud got there. amazing.
Last night, my companion felt strongly that we needed to go back over to a park and try to see a recent investigator at that park. it didn't make sense, but I turned to my young companion and told her that if she felt like we needed to go back over there, then we would, and let her make the decision. We drove over, but she wasn't there so we decided to ask another family over at the park. We stopped by and asked for Kimberly and then asked if we could give them a card. They were way sweet and it turned out that she had met with missionaries and gone to church in a different city, but had then moved here and lost contact. It was exactly where we needed to be! I am so proud of my companion! I love her sooo much!

I love you family!!! and Kenzie :P haha, be happy, be good be well!