Tuesday, January 28, 2014

So Happy!!

Dear Family,
How are all y'all doing?
This week has been emotionally stressful in so many ways. Sister Murphy is officially home. I am now serving in the YSA Branch by the university with Sister Long and Sister Rosa. They are amazing and very consecrated missionaries and I love serving with them. Having been in a trio before, I know how to make this one better and we just have a lot of fun. The last few nights we have just been laughing hysterically. I feel like we are always laughing or crying. At least its not yelling!  I am also teaching Memi in the Academy Heights ward. And that is a blessing because I'm still able to work with the family ward.
So, The best thing about our companionship is that we need each other. One of my comps is having health issues and being trained. The other comp is a trainer and has the stress with that. With the 3 of us, we are able to support each other and take off stress. I'm thankful that I am needed in this trio. Not to mention we are great friends and President told me to play practical jokes on them. I've got to be obedient to president!
This week, My comps worked in the YSA area and I went with the Senior couple to teach Memi. And it was amazing. It was so odd not teaching a lesson with a companion.  But I love her soooooo much. We taught the plan of salvation. Some miracles there is that she knows the Book of Mormon is true because of how she feels with it. She knows she wants to get baptized and is waiting for a direct answer from God about it, The Book of Mormon is how she found greater peace over the death. It was amazing how strong the spirit was. It helped remind me that I am a good teacher and that I have much self worth. It was a needed reminder after the weeks events.
Another blessing was at church in the family ward. I love that ward and usually I am the one going up to everyone because I love them and wanting to talk and get to know all. Well, this week, it was odd because I'm in the ward but not and all so I talked with a few people but then everyone came up to me. That was amazing! Everyone was so kind and it wasn't even because of the changes. Some people didn't even know and wanted to come and talk to me. it was an amazing blessing. President Miller was at church and gave me a high compliment as he saw this happening. It was incredible. The ward also made me feel so needed when I talked with bishop about how him and his first councilor were really worried when they heard sisters were leaving. They know that one investigator needs sisters. They just made me feel like they really did appreciate my work and really depend on me for the people we teach.
I know that this letter is all about me, but its been interesting to see how God has had a plan for me, even when i get mad or frustrated with Him. I'm loving the YSA branch even though it is so different. We now cover the whole stake, just the YSA women, including the war zone of Albuquerque. FUN! Last night we ate with a poor college student on mismatched plates and I loved how giving he was. The branch is so small and I love how everyone reaches out to each other and how everyone (rms and not) are so missionary minded. I love how everyone has odd crazy schedules of work and school vs the norm of a family ward.
One miracle is that my first day, we visited a less active woman, who lived with a less active friend. That night, they came to a CFYA dinner and on Sunday one was at church. WOW! YSA are sooo diff in how we can teach them. And in many ways more open. Its also been interesting to teach the nonmembers because they are sooo smart. Even in a week I have seen how proud our generation is, especially the ones in college. And they don't call it pride, but maybe intelligence or a way to survive when things get hard. its so interesting and I love the challenge of it.
I love you all!!!! Happy Day!

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