Monday, April 29, 2013


First off, This is kinda directed to Amberly, but is for everyone! Mom keeps telling me about how you love the King Arthur time period and all that. Well, have you ever heard of people (especially then) who would go out on horses and hunt using hawks? Well, my Ward mission leader has a hawk and he takes it hunting! So awesome! He keeps it in a huge pen in his backyard and I was able to get pics of it. His name is Talmage.
Well, I get to stay in Las Cruses with my Great companion for another transfer! We are having a lot of fun and I am pretty happy that our zone is not changing too much. This transfer we will get 7 new sisters and then the next one we will get 20. Also, The general authorities announced a change in some mission leadership. Now, we will have a new position for Sister training leadership. What they will do is go on exchanges with all the sisters they cover (right now, they will cover multi zones) and will be the first person sisters will go to for personal issues and help. Its exciting! It will be nice to have a someone we can go to, rather than before we would go straight to Sister Miller. . Things are changing like crazy! It truly is looking like I might train the rest of my mission. So far, I am okay with that. I love Sister Tompkins and I have had to grow so much since being with her, though tons to improve on.
Mother's Day news! They have given us permission to use mission phones to call home! Isn't that great! haha, yeah, we set it up with our Ward mission leader (the protective one with the Hawk) To skype at his home or his parents home Starting at 6:15. Sister Tompkins will go first I think, so I'll be sometime after that. We gave him your phone numbers and if he hasn't called you by next pday we will give you his as well. So, if you get a call from Randy Larcher you know what it is about. (Also, he is a cop so idk what the caller id may say)
This last week, we had a meeting with a man who was baptized last year, and removed his name this year. We have been teaching him very slowly and continually checking for understanding. This week was so inspired. Most of it, we just asked question and question to see where he was at. The spirit would guide us to say things that led to him opening up and expounding on the almost hints he had given us. We spent the entire hour talking about The first vision and the Book of Mormon. I love lessons in which people are so receptive and allow us to be bold. He integrates and remembers everything. He truly is seeking for the truth. And that is great.
We also saw another man to give dating advise to. He is Less active and read his Patriarchal(cant spell to save my life... well, yeah. no. )  blessing. It was incredible to see how God knows him so well, how he has soo much potential. It truly made me think about how God knows all of us individually. He speaks to us in ways that are important to us. Not only that, but we all came to Earth with the desire to overcome the challenges and trials around us. And to do that, Heavenly Father has given us each particular blessings and strengths that we need as well as all of the weaknesses that will bring us back unto Christ continually. If we all truly understood our worth and our importance in life, everything would be so different. And if we shared the gospel with the same understanding that We are all of value and have greatness within us, then what a world of goodness this would be.
Mom and all, you talked about The restoration and Great apostasy and I love it! I love young women's right now and sacrament meeting because they are going through the lessons in Preach My Gospel. I really feel like we are learning so much that can help our investigators grow and progress. It wasn't till my mission that I really gained a testimony of the apostasy and other points of the gospel. I am so grateful that the youth can learn about them now. The great apostasy is truly when, after the people had rejected Christ and his Apostles, the power to act in god's name was removed. And then needed to be restored.
I love all of this! And i love yall too!
PS i did the driving to El Paso, idk how many thousands of miles I've driven since coming on my mission. whew

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