Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Happy Tuesday!!

Hey Family!!!
Happy Tuesday! How is everyone?
I am very good. And staying in the same area with the same companion! But that is not a surprise and we are both very happy with that. It has been a good and interesting week. First off, the ward council really wants to help us with missionary work and getting people in the new mind set of missionary work for themselves. I love what Sister Kandlbinder said, that the way of missionary work today, is a complete mindset change for some people who are still stuck in the past. Its not "pray for missionaries work" or "help the missionaries" it is that the missionaries are here to help US do OUR missionary work. Its a mindset change. This week we passed around a calendar with the available times we have for people to come out with us. And we got 10 people to sign up on it!!! 3 were for today and it just made today all the better. Not only did it help us focus, but it cheered us up and helped us keep going. We could also tell that these sisters needed this. One came out looking like she had been crying and just horrible and in no time she was laughing. Another bore her testimony so powerfully you could just tell she needed the chance to. it was amazing. And the people we saw needed to see these members! They each connected in different ways.
One of the lessons was to a less active woman who is trying so hard to get to the temple. she is amazing and just full of stress. I am so happy because we were able to teach her on the temple grounds and she felt more of the peace that she has been praying for each day. I love her and am so thankful for the opportunity to teach at the temple!
Stake Changes. I've always wanted to be in an area for a stake change. No idea why, but I have and Heavenly Father is answering my silly hopes and dreams. I remember the quote from mom that says To dream. We find out the changes on Sunday, but have been told by bishop that it wont effect us greatly. We will see what happens! id love it if we gained area and gained a few new investigators too! :)
With Halloween coming up we are all very excited but I cant believe that half the month is already gone!
I love my companion and have been praying for her a lot recently. I know that we need each other and it is good. The other day, she set up an appointment with President to tell him she wanted to go home. So I prayed even more! the last thing I want is for her to go home! On Friday my prayers were so answered. we had an amazing district meeting. And I am so thankful for leaders who follow the spirit, because although it is not any easier for her, she is still here and trying.
Can I get Mrs. Stocktons new address so I can send Jenny stuff? I cant believe that she has moved closer!!! So cool!
We have been getting a nice cold front. a few people are freezing, but I am just enjoying every bit of it!
I love all of you! We had a great Monday yesterday and last week! be right back

hey again! wanted to send that before the computer logged me off

So this last Monday was a lot of fun. We went bowling as a district to a place that lets missionaries bowl for free! And then we went to Golden Corral because no one can ever agree where to go! and that was a lot of fun!

Then the previous Monday, we did many missionary things, and went up to the temple to write letters and because Las Cruses was coming up for missionary Monday. I ended up seeing Sister Tompkins who was there to clean the temple! and then I saw Sister McBride and her trainee! As well as so many others I love from down south. I love that zone soo much! our new zl is an Elder Webber and I'm excited to meet him and see how this goes.
Things I need oh yes, pretty please with cherries on top could I get stamps, dishwasher soap cause we don't want to buy it, eye care saline either like pure moist or that other one, umm I'm trying to think, oh hair ties,
This week, I've had multiple dreams about y'all. Its been weird. One was so real. It was me getting home from my mission and kinda like day one home. odd. the other I was trying to kill Trent with a butter knife but it ended up being Amberlys fault. another odd one. but fortunately, I haven't woken up confused about where I was. that would have been bad.

Balloon fiesta was amazing! we even got to see a part of the glow dial stuff! it was sooo awesome! my fav was the smiley face!  We got to see many, many balloons!
Well, I think I've got to go soon but It was great chatting with everyone today! I love you!
I love you TRENT MOM DAD AMBERLY EYN MACY!!! happy day!
Love ya! Elizabeth

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