Thursday, February 13, 2014

Quick Visit to the Mission Home

Photo: The beauties from ABQ Zone and President Miller.
Sister Yerkes, Sister Rosa, Sister Long, Sister McShane, Sister Dennis and President MillerA visit to the Mission office (Most likely to pick up mail considering Sister McShane was suppose to be getting something from home quickly sent overnight!)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Last one, Maybe

Dear Family!

How is everyone! I can't believe that this just might be the last time I ever email you as Sister McShane (you know what I mean). Its been hard to think about and very emotionally draining.
But my watch is breaking and my shoes are falling apart. Not to mention my purse as well. And I really don't know what to say. Except one of the biggest rules. And y'all got to listen to this one. NO ONE GETS TO HUG ME BEFORE MOM. Okay? Sounds perfect. oh and Dad, Orange chicken sounds awesome!

I really can't believe this may be the last email to you. I love y'all soo much. and I love Heavenly Father. I almost can't believe all that he has had planned for me and my life. Here I am and I've accomplished the impossible. Serving a mission has been the hardest thing I've ever had to do. It is the refiners fire. It is holding nothing back, putting my entire self into the work and into the Lord all the while risking every thing, but really risking nothing at the same time. I know that Our Redeemer lives. I know He loves us I know I am important. I know that each of us have specific experiences for multiple reasons. One of the greatest is to share the gospel to others and invite all to come unto Christ regardless if it is at a supermarket or with a weeping single mother. I know that this gospel will bless the lives of many, one way or another. I feel like when I came out, my testimony was a deep puddle. but now it has grown into a swimming pool. I know this Gospel needed to be restored through a prophet. I know the plan of salvation is Gods plan for us and he gives us church, prayer, temple, Book of Mormon, scriptures, and more that we may live again with him one day. I know that faith, repentance, baptism, and the holy ghost are principles and ordinances that make enduring to the end enjoyable. And I know this will impact my life and so many others forever

Mi'-me is getting baptized this Saturday and she passed her interview with flying colors. I love her soooo much! I even hope to call her next week. I'm going to be her best fellow shipper ever. We even started to teach her husband and son this last week. its amazing how God works and how she has been prepared for years. I am soo excited to be there at it. She is a blessing. and an answer to my prayer as well. We went over the questions with her and her answers are outstanding.

I love serving in the YSA branch. I feel like Heavenly Father has really sent me here to help many people, but has even made it a blessing in my own life to prepare me for when I go home (and to see examples of RMs I do and do NOT want to be like :)

I love y'all and I don't know what to say more. So much has happened. How can you summarize a testimony that has been tried and strengthened so intensely for so long

Love you all

Sister McShane

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dinner picture

Photo: Dinner with Ellises and missionaries. Sister McShane goes home in 2 weeks. We Willis's her sooooo much.
From left to right:
Elders Humpherys, Elder Jenson, Elder and Sister Ellis,
Sister McShane, Sister Dennis, Sister Long and Sister Rosa

Happy Birthday Daddy and More Miracles!!

Dear Family!
So, :) This has been a great week with so many little miracles I don't even know where to begin. With Dads millions of little letters I have in my bag, with realizing how God has changed me in 18 months with this Saturday being my 18 month mark or what. So many good things are going on.
One amazing miracle is that Mi-me is getting baptized on Feb 15th. And that is such a huge miracle. This week we taught her about prophets and she just said of course we need a prophet. And the word of wisdom does not even phase her. She is soo strong and just has this glow about her now. I'm so excited for y'all to meet her via skype one day! You will love her. I could go on and on about her and how I love her. She is one of the biggest reasons I have served in Academy Heights.
Another miracle is just how great our district is. Because our District Leader will not be at my last district meeting, my companions decided they would "kill me" a few weeks ago when I had to give an impromptu training and they pulled out the Nerf guns!!!!!! What in the world! haha, it was a lot of fun. We also learned about how the Book of Mormon is the key stone of our religion using human props. You may have to ask me about that one in a few weeks.
We also came up with district roles. We have nanny, stylist (of course both elders) scribe, activity leader, environmental control, and more. haha. Its a lot of fun. We have the biggest district of the mission.
This week, I experienced some of the most powerful spiritual experiences of my life, and I don't understand why, only that they were.
One came in teaching Anna- a new investigator in the YSA branch. She first listened because of curiosity but now almost seems confused. She acts like she knows what she believes, but when what we say makes sense she kind of tries to hide from the spirit by getting defensive. This last lesson with her was amazing though because we let her know we were not there to argue or whatever but let her feel the spirit and give her enough information to help her find the answers on her own. its so interesting. At the beginning of the lesson, she brought up a scripture about how in Proverbs it says our hearts are evil. But we had continued the lesson talking about how God speaks to us through our hearts and by the spirit. A little way in, I felt overwhelmingly prompted to share a scripture in Mosiah about the natural man and how we need to cast that off for things of the spirit. I was able to relate that to what her scripture in Proverbs said about our hearts being evil. I don't know if that made sense typed out but that doesn't necessarily matter. When this scripture popped in my head i knew that Heavenly Father wanted me to share it. The spirit was so strong that I was shaking and trying to keep my voice steady and calm. I don't know exactly why that Scripture was THAT important but i know that it was and that Heavenly Father asked me to share that with Anna at that time.
Another powerful moment came in teaching a less active who is returning to church. She has come for the last many weeks and asked us to talk about missionary work. you have to understand she is amazing. And the lesson was powerful as we bore testimony about asking God what is right for us and about some of the realities of missionary work. aka its hard but more rewarding. We showed her the clip from General Conference when the age change happened and i again felt the spirit soooo strongly that i needed to bare my testimony about the importance of missionary work and how it has already started to change my life. i know it was meant to be me to say those things at that time.
We have had snow! happy days!
I feel like there was more i was suppose to say. oh well. I love you all!!!! Happy Feb. And Happy Birthday Daddy! I love you so much! love everyone!!!!!!!!
Love Sister Elizabeth K McShane

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

So Happy!!

Dear Family,
How are all y'all doing?
This week has been emotionally stressful in so many ways. Sister Murphy is officially home. I am now serving in the YSA Branch by the university with Sister Long and Sister Rosa. They are amazing and very consecrated missionaries and I love serving with them. Having been in a trio before, I know how to make this one better and we just have a lot of fun. The last few nights we have just been laughing hysterically. I feel like we are always laughing or crying. At least its not yelling!  I am also teaching Memi in the Academy Heights ward. And that is a blessing because I'm still able to work with the family ward.
So, The best thing about our companionship is that we need each other. One of my comps is having health issues and being trained. The other comp is a trainer and has the stress with that. With the 3 of us, we are able to support each other and take off stress. I'm thankful that I am needed in this trio. Not to mention we are great friends and President told me to play practical jokes on them. I've got to be obedient to president!
This week, My comps worked in the YSA area and I went with the Senior couple to teach Memi. And it was amazing. It was so odd not teaching a lesson with a companion.  But I love her soooooo much. We taught the plan of salvation. Some miracles there is that she knows the Book of Mormon is true because of how she feels with it. She knows she wants to get baptized and is waiting for a direct answer from God about it, The Book of Mormon is how she found greater peace over the death. It was amazing how strong the spirit was. It helped remind me that I am a good teacher and that I have much self worth. It was a needed reminder after the weeks events.
Another blessing was at church in the family ward. I love that ward and usually I am the one going up to everyone because I love them and wanting to talk and get to know all. Well, this week, it was odd because I'm in the ward but not and all so I talked with a few people but then everyone came up to me. That was amazing! Everyone was so kind and it wasn't even because of the changes. Some people didn't even know and wanted to come and talk to me. it was an amazing blessing. President Miller was at church and gave me a high compliment as he saw this happening. It was incredible. The ward also made me feel so needed when I talked with bishop about how him and his first councilor were really worried when they heard sisters were leaving. They know that one investigator needs sisters. They just made me feel like they really did appreciate my work and really depend on me for the people we teach.
I know that this letter is all about me, but its been interesting to see how God has had a plan for me, even when i get mad or frustrated with Him. I'm loving the YSA branch even though it is so different. We now cover the whole stake, just the YSA women, including the war zone of Albuquerque. FUN! Last night we ate with a poor college student on mismatched plates and I loved how giving he was. The branch is so small and I love how everyone reaches out to each other and how everyone (rms and not) are so missionary minded. I love how everyone has odd crazy schedules of work and school vs the norm of a family ward.
One miracle is that my first day, we visited a less active woman, who lived with a less active friend. That night, they came to a CFYA dinner and on Sunday one was at church. WOW! YSA are sooo diff in how we can teach them. And in many ways more open. Its also been interesting to teach the nonmembers because they are sooo smart. Even in a week I have seen how proud our generation is, especially the ones in college. And they don't call it pride, but maybe intelligence or a way to survive when things get hard. its so interesting and I love the challenge of it.
I love you all!!!! Happy Day!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

New Companions

Photo: Tri-companionship. Sister Long, Sister McShane, and Sister Rosa. Love these beautiful missionaries!
Sister McShane, Sister Rosa, and Sister Long
These are Elizabeth's New Companions
She is now serving in the Nob Hill area in a Single Adult Ward.
We are so happy to hear that she was placed with these beautiful sisters.
I need to add how thankful I am to the wonderful missionaries serving in the mission office!  They are incredible and are such a wonderful blessing to all the missionaries serving there!! It was a wonderful blessing to get online today and find these pictures!  How blessed we are!

Fun times in the Mission office!

Sister McShane & Sister Rosa about to fill out a missionary complaint form.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Rough Day

Hey family!

So I'm sure that bad news always spreads fast. I was told maybe an hour ago that my companion decided on Sunday to go home. She flies out tomorrow morning at 11am. President told me that he has a companionship nearby that I will be in a trio in. And that I will be close enough that I will still be able to work in my area. Of course I have no idea where that will be, and will find out more tonight. As of now, my address is the same, but if it changes, I will have the mission office call and let y'all update everything for me. 

I'm struggling with it, but i don't really know what to say or what to add to that that I haven't already told my mom and dad.
Despite everything, no one can deny that we have had lots of miracles this last week. It is amazing how god works
To begin with, Memis brother/Pasy's son passed away Monday night. It has been so hard to watch them. and what they are going through, but it has also been amazing to see how the ward has jumped into help with arrangements and food and just visiting. I love them sooo much and my heart goes out to them. Its amazing to see how they are changing and becoming better people. I love them so much. They invited us to a lunch on Saturday in his honor, but I had been praying about it and felt strongly that I needed to keep our planed exchange. When I told them sis. Murphy would be there but i wouldn't be, they both about cried and i almost cried. it was hard to leave them. They were both at church and I hope they found more comfort there.
Another miracle was that I went on my last exchange with Sister Tompkins!!!!!!!!!!! How fun was that! bad part was i had to eat 2 dinners because one of the teaching appointments was at Village Inn. First time teaching the restoration. at a restaurant. :) It was really good. And I just woke up in the morning with a feeling of complete peace. I am soooo proud of her. She really is an amazing missionary. And it was fun to see how she has fully grasped things that i taught her. Most important was that there is joy in the work. When you have a bad day, go find joy in the work cause that is what will make you truly happy. Its also amazing to have a best friend to talk to. All mission, besides my comps, Heavenly Father takes my best friends away, but now he has given me one. What a huge blessing!!!!! I loved being with a missionary who loves the work and is determined to improve and work hard. I cant believe I trained her!!!!
We have this family that has a goal to have the elders and sisters over on different FHE nights with less active, nonmembers, recent converts and have an fhe. Last night we had one with a recent convert we have been trying to get a hold of forever!!! And it was sooo awesome. We learned alot as he taught the first lesson. And they set up another one for next week. He is a great missionary. and was a previous bishop.
We also have a new family who moved in for Orlando. Having them here helps me see I know nothing about Orlando and just everything about Disney :) But they are so sweet. We asked them about missionary work and it turns out they had a friend just baptized, and the kids do all kinds of missionary work. we are excited to work with them. They invited us to stay for FHE and it was a lot of fun. the kids are between 2-15 and it was fun and simple. Just a great place to be and a great way to get to know the ward better.
More good news is that a less active family we have been working with just got callings on Sunday and i really believe that they will start coming back to church because of it. And then another less active and her 8yr old were at church :)

i love y'all!!!!! talk to you soon!
ps dad my milk expires on your bday. random

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Miracles all around

My dear great family!!! How are all of you doing! I miss you a lot. Every day is an eternity, but the weeks are flying. I can't wait until I get to talk to you and explain even more about the miracles we see. Many of which i dont have time to write.

I am doing great. healthy and happy.  and really trying to think about what to tell yall about.
It feel like it have been a great week in many ways. In one, SISTER TOMPKINS MY BABY IS NOW MY STL) and we are going on exchanges with her on Friday! I will go with her to their area! I am soooo excited! We have already had them over and I feel like the 2 of us could have talked forever. I am sooo incredibly proud of her. Not because she is stl, but because of the missionary she is. I am so happy for her.

Also, we had an appointment with Memi today and were able to invite her to be baptized on Feb 8th. It was a good lesson, although too many distractions in the background. I got a pic with her! I love her a lot. I know that I am meant to teach her and its funny how she has told us each this. In some of our lessons I tell her, sometimes I feel like God has forgotten me or sometimes I don't feel like I am worth anything and its incredible to see her expression as she slowly realized that none of us, even missionaries are perfect. Then she starts to teach me in which she also teaches herself. Sorry, hard to explain. I hope that made sense.
Yesterday at church, we also talked about God's love in 2nd and 3rd hour. And in part of it she wrote a list of characteristics of God. including all knowing, all wisdom, loving, and so forth. But I realized that the ones that stood out to me are infinite and unchanging. This gives me so much comfort knowing that God won't die. There is no end to his existence and no need to ever say good bye. and with that he never changes. I can always rely on him and trust in him to the fullest. How incredible is that, That he loves me knows exactly who I am. Sometimes, Satan tries to make me believe I am on my own  or that God doesn't want to give me a priesthood blessing, but it is not so. He loves me more than I can imagine.
This week. we stopped by a woman who hasn't been to church in a long time and is now coming back but doesn't know alot about the church. I love being with her (she signed up to feed us every week until I leave :) But when we were with her, she shared part of her testimony informally with us. It was a blessing for me to hear that she has a testimony of the temple without ever being there and that although she is not sure about somethings, the spirit has truly touched her life. I know that one reason that I am dying in this area is so that, a few days after I last see her, I will be able to call her and always be her friend and sister in the gospel.
I love y'all sooo very much! And I'm thankful for your needed prayers and help as well.

Love Sister Elizabeth K McShane

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year Everyone! I cant believe it is 2014 already and I especially cant believe that I have an entire calendar year that I haven't been home for! It is insane!
Well, its been a very difficult beginning of the year and end of the last one. But that is okay. Things will be better.
I don't know where to begin, but I guess I will start with the interview I had with President last night. It was funny. We got the text asking us to come to the mission office, but we already had appointments. Within 5 min. after his text, both of our appointments canceled or changed their times. We had to text president back saying" actually, everything just canceled. we would love to meet with you." We were each with him for like 45 min. and I received some very needed council about the missionary that I am. Some of it I already knew, but most of it was things that Heavenly Father had revealed to me, but I had doubted until I had someone I trusted tell me so. I am so thankful for my meeting with him.

We talked about my current companionship's and my past ones. As well as my future and things that I struggle with now. Its incredible how sly Satan is. That he would take a truth and twist just enough that you think the truth is a lie.  And then it eats you up. But what joy it is, when you can finally see again.
This last year our baptism goal was 710 and we reached 540. our 2014 goal is 825
Yesterday, church was just amazing. I felt the spirit so much. It started in a missionary meeting when a ward missionary said that his goal was to have the missionaries over 2 times a month for a FHE and each time they would commit to having at least 1 less active or nonmember present.  Then sacrament meeting was so powerful. One woman went up and talked about how she is the "feisty" girl but always wanted to be something else and it seemed to shape the rest of the day. I also felt like I should go up and when I did, the spirit just took over and words came out of my mouth that I never could have put together so eloquently. I talked about the Savior's love and through him we never have to be alone. He is always here beside us and I talked about Faith and how it is the opposite of fear. God does not want us to be afraid. He wants us to love him and trust in his words. and then our GP class was about how we know that God lives. and it was so powerful to hear how we each need God and how we can rely upon him.  Church was so great yesterday I didn't know I was hungry.
Y'all are so mean. YES I ate the peas. But I did hide the taste. I went shopping on New Years Eve to buy the ingredients for a yummy salsa and it is sooooooo good! But you can't taste the peas. plus the recipe called for 2 cans of peas. I put like 2 Tbs. maybe a bit more but that was it! okay! and for the record I so did not eat them last year.

Do you remember Mike? I taught him one amazing lesson about the restoration and how the Book of Mormon fit in and it was amazing! And since then, he won't meet with us and we don't know why. Sis. Murphy has only just met him. Well, I was on fire yesterday so I called him up after church to see how he was doing. And he said he was just busy and gave us the reasoning that he has a lot going on but will call us back when he can meet. His last meeting was over 1 month ago and he was about to be dropped :( So I just asked him, are you still interested in learning more? and he said YES! he really wants to. And I said, we just don't want to be annoying and we want to make sure this is something you really want. he said yes and it gave me comfort to know he still wants more. I am so happy that I just boldly asked him are you interested. and that I did not shy away from it. It was not overbearing, but instead showed that I have a great concern and love for him, and don't want to be a pest.
I love you all. Things are mostly the same with my comp, but i am much better. I love you tons!

I love you all!
Love Sister Elizabeth K McShane