Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

Hello family,

I absolutely loved the box and Cd's I received this week! It was super cute. There were only 2 songs that I cant listen to on the CD that came in the box. Did I ask for an ensign of conference? I can't remember bc that is Exactly what I wanted. I'm excited for it to come! (they are on back order) i don't know what we are going to do with all of the goodies! I think we may be taking some of the candy over to the elders. and i was SOOOOO HAPPY with the skirt and the slippers! The other night it got below 29 degrees and we haven't gotten our heater turned on yet! It was a super cold morning! It is always nice to wear the slippers in the morning when we are studying. And i wore the skirt on the first chance that I had! however, we haven't touched the Q-tip marshmallow things. I think we are both afraid to touch that.
This week has been good and bad. We worked really hard but it looks like we have more people that we are going to drop. Funny story though, last week, my comp woke up in the middle of the night and heard me, laying in bed, saying "OK, I'll say it. Dear heavenly Father, thank you for letting us be at the ______ family......" haha, I said an entire prayer apparently but i sure do not remember it. haha. Last week, the Spanish sisters bought us cheap 75 cent kites and we flew them in the park. It was soo much fun. Did i tell you about how 2 weeks ago, hermana Allen decided to show off and she threw a Frisbee right into my face. SURPRISE! haha, i love her, but that bruise took forever to go away.
I love the way that the ward sounds, nice and small. Does it have a lot of less active members then?
The best thing is having 2 trunk or treats to go to. We had one on Friday and the next is on Tuesday. everyone was dressed up. it was so much fun. We even won the award for the most original costumes. we went as.... the sister missionaries.... yeah, lame that we got an award, but we are missionaries so we are allowed to be like that :) but we had an 18 year old investigator come and we used her as an excuse to go trunk or treating. we grabbed trash bags and off we went. hey, now the whole ward knows who we are. and we were even able to meet people in the ward we didn't know. it was actually really cool. i keep telling everyone that we should pass out book of Mormons on Halloween night, but i don't think that's going over well. :) just kidding.
This week, my fav. person to teach is a 12 year old girl whose is friends with the stake pres daughter and is getting baptized next week. She is so happy and kind and loves everything that is taught to her. This week, we showed her a clip from pres. Monson. After, we asked how she felt. she said that just had we had started playing it, she just knew that he was a prophet of God. she is soo bright and in tune with the spirit. She cant wait to be baptized. I know that It will be one of the best days of her life. I can imagine her getting her endowments in the temple, and i just get so excited for her future.
We also had an experience with a referral. We knocked on there door (2nd time, first time they were busy) and they said that the wife had had a break down and that it was not a good time. So we asked if we could come in and say a prayer with them and leave a blessing on there home. they said yes, and when we came in we found out that there son was in a rehab institution and that they were upset and felt like there was nothing that they could do about it. We read a little bit from the scriptures and told them about Gods love for them and about why we are put on this earth. it was heartbreaking to watch them cry, but after the prayer you could just feel a difference in the room. they were not happy, life had not change, but they were able to smile and laugh some. Its amazing what prayer can do.
Oh, So, i might be in a movie that the church is making. The movie is on family history work and our stake has been chosen to record our work on family history work. on Sunday, they came into our ward council and recorded what was going on about the work. it was way funny and a bit awkward. it was hard to make ward council work as ward council and forget i was being recorded. haha. I'm glad i didn't have much to say.
PS.we are starting to get a lot of stews
Trent and Amberly, look for the good in your life and it will come to you!

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